Webinar Library

Webinars Hosted by SPS

At SPS, we know that the building envelope decisions you make today will affect the value of your property long after the work is done.
That’s why each of our interactive Webinars is packed thought provoking information as well as a dedicated Q&A for your unique questions, problems or concerns.

How to Right-Size Your Condominium Fee

This 3-part series will guide attendees through applying a proven decision-making process to evaluate and right-size their community’s monthly condominium fee.

How to Right-Size Your Condominium Fee – Spotlight: Insurance

The 3-part series "How to Right-Size Your Condominium Fee" identified insurance premiums as one of the factors that must be considered while determining monthly fees. In this webinar special guest panelist Katie Dodge discusses and answers questions related to how insurance premiums affects right-sized fees.